Gaismas Rati


Gaismas Rati Rope Access team is providing vide variety of services at heights for wind turbine maintenance from pre-installation support to regular maintenance after commissioning including specializing in Blade Repair and Inspections. Working under IRATA guidelines and based on GWO safety standards our team has acquired knowledge with turbine and blade manufacturers like VESTAS, Siemens, Enercon, GE, Nordex, LM, Alstom, Arreva and others.


Rope Access

  • LEP Repair
  • Composite Repair
  • Cosmetic Repair
  • LPS Checks
  • De-icing
  • Cleaning
  • Serration and vortex generator replacement
Rope Access/ drones

  • Visual inspection using drones and rope access
  • Detailed Damage reports
  • Repair Reports
Rope Access/ MEWP/ Ground

  • Tower Repairs
  • Installation and component replacement
  • Troubleshooting
  • Installation support
  • Rescue stand-by

Timely acknowledgment of potential risks and discipline creates safe working environment.

Attention to details and creativity leads to successful outcomes.

Self awareness and ability to reflect oneself brings desirable atmosphere amongst the team.


Providing insight of the perspectives of  Rope Access method as an alternative solution for machinery in order to reduce the impact on climate and to support the Renewable Energy sector.

Promoting Rope Access method as an industry, which foster physically fit and healthy individuals.


Gaismas Rati team hopes to contribute to:

The consciousness of the society for the importance of Renewable Energy production as an alternative to fossil fuels

Raising awareness of importance of physically active profession amidst our information technology saturated world


Drone Inspection of Enercon Blades in Latvia

DESCRIPTION A damage inspection on the Enercon E40 blades was requested by the customer at Grobiņa Wind Park in Latvia. WORK METHOD A remote controlled drone was used to inspect damages on Enercon E40 blades. All the data collected was summarized in detailed damage reports. August 2022, Grobiņa Wind Park, Latvia

Bolt Tensioning on Alstom in Finland

DESCRIPTION An annual bolt torque tensioning of the foundations was required by the client on Alstom turbines in Finland. WORK METHOD As the foundation is 30m high MEWP was used to access it. In order to fill the task a lifeline around the tower was installed by a rope access technician to safely maneuver on [...]

Leading Edge Repair on Siemens in Pope & Tārgale Wind Park, Latvia

DARBA APRAKSTS Popes un Tārgales Vēja parkā, veicot  turbīnu rotoru tehnisko apsekošanu, tika konstatēta Leading Edge jeb vadošās kantes erozija. Rezultātā tika veikti labošanas darbi, izmantojot Mankiewicz LEP Repair tehnoloģiju. DARBA METODE Piekļuvei un darbam tika izmantota industriālā alpīnisma virvju pieejas metode. Kantes atjaunošanā izmantojām starptautiski atzītu 3 slāņu Mankiewizc metodi, kura ne tikai aizsargā rotora [...]

Inspections and Repairs on Vestas turbines in Scandinavia

PAR OBJEKTU Sadarbojoties ar Vento Energy Support, kuru galvenais klients ir tirgus līderis vēja ģeneratoru ražošanā un apkalpošanā Vestas, tika veikti dažādi vēja turbīnu komponenšu apsekošanas un labošanas darbi. Galvenais uzdevums bija novērst transportēšanas un būvēšanas procesa rezultātā radušos bojājumus. DARBA APRAKSTS UN METODE Ja defektu novēršanu nebija iespējams veikt no zemes vai pacēlāja, darbus [...]

Pole Shoe Tightening on GE – Merkur Offshore Wind Park in the North Sea, Germany

PAR OBJEKTU Sadarbojoties ar RTS Wind, kura pasūtītājs bija GE Renewable Energy, tika veikta vēja ģeneratoru ārējā korpusa bultskrūvju pārbaude un hidrozilācijas uzstādīšana. Darba vieta - Merkur Offshore vēja parks Ziemeļū jūrā, Vācijas ūdeņos. DARBA APRAKSTS UN METODE Piekļuve vēja turbīnai ar CTV (Crew Transfer Vessel)  palīdzību. Darba veikšanai tika izmantota industriālā alpīnisma virvju pieejas [...]

Blade Inspection and Repair on Nordex – LM blades in Germany

DARBA APRAKSTS UN METODE Bucheinner Heide vēja stacija Vācijā. Sadarbojoties ar Convent Energy, tika veikta vēja ģeneratoru lāpstiņu apsekošana un labošanas darbi uz Nordex turbīnu LM spārniem līdz 149m augstumā. Izmantojot virvju pieejas metodi, kā arī Act Safe virvju sistēmu, veicām apsekošanu spārniem ar fotofiksāciju. Tika arī veikti dažādi kosmētiski labojumi un Leading Edge jeb spārna [...]


SIA Gaismas Rati
Business ID: 40103975139
VAT No.: LV40103975139
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone No.: +37125121614